Tiger Beat

Saturday, October 21, 2000
It has been nearly a month since I posted here.

Figured I should write something since Justin links to me at the bottom of his page. update: Justin has now changed his front page - he has archived the "porn" page which has a banner to this weblog at the bottom.

Though the sex on the banner ad he had me make is a false promise. This is probably the first time I've used the word in this weblog. But he insisted
given the theme of the page. and it ended up much milder than he wanted.

I have finally found a place for Nov. 1st back in the mission.

But most stuff I am doing is at the bay guardian site. the tv choices, sfblog (though I haven't been updating it enough either - there has been a lot of work lately) and a long interview with Tom Tomorrow which will be up by Wednesday.

I'm going to see Dan (he uses the pen name Tom Tomorrow since This Modern World started out in Processed World and most of the contributors didn't use their real names)
tonight at the Nader rally. He is showing part one and two of Flippers of Furry which feature the voice of Ralph Nader in an animated version of This Modern World.

The rally will be webcast from the Nader site starting about 6:30 pm pacific.