Sunday, December 31, 2000
I had thought the original electric minds content was lost. But Abbe Don archived it including the bio I wrote in the format Justin provided. Not exactly how I would have written it, but it gives a pretty good overview of parts of my life up to 1996.
posted by steve at 12/31/2000 02:42:00 PM
So I've been on a public radio binge tonight. First, the live This American Life. Strange to realize I've been listening to it for five years. And stories by Ira Glass for NPR on the election and his year long coverage of two Chicago schools before that. An hour and a half version of the live show will be up in real audio next week.
Then, the late repeat of All Things Considered. They played the last piece on the NPR 100 - on the most important musical works of what will soon be the last century. It was on Stevie Wonder's Talking Book. Almost all of the stories I've heard have been excellent. When I'm less tired, I'll go through and link to some of the best. Until, then there is hours of stories to explore.
Right now I'm listening to Weekly Edition featuring some of the most requested stories of the year. Next week will be a show of new voices from NPR's diversity initiative. NPR certainly has problems, but there are still excellent things to listen to. The batteries on my walkman are dying, so I better post this and grab some recharged ones so I don't miss anything.
posted by steve at 12/31/2000 01:30:00 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
I went to Justin Hall's birthday party on Saturday. I actually didn't know it was his 26th birthday til I got there. Justin just told me that Amy had invited a bunch of people to dinner. Unlike Justin, I rarely write about anything personal on the web (about as far as I'll go is to say that my parents are coming here on Monday for about a week). But now that he has a search engine working again, I can find some of the times he has mentioned me (I'll have to go back and make the links more descriptive when i have more time - some of the mentions are brief - these links are really more for me). The day we went to the 1996 SF Book Festival. There were two scenes I was in from that day in an early version Home Page which were cut. Justin mentions me a few more times during that period (they are starting to come up on the search - here and here and here and here. Rebecca also wrote about me around the time.
Justin mentioned me again in 1998 a few times. Here and here and here (I still haven't really redesigned my webpage) here (back when I was thinking of going to Berkeley's j-school) and
More recently when I stayed with Justin when I got back here at the end of August. more links I'll connect later. enough for now. I should go to bed.
posted by steve at 12/20/2000 12:08:00 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2000
Linda Richardson of Galaxy Bookshop is keeping a diary this week on Slate. You can see a picture of her and some of her book picks. Galaxy's site is part of Book Sense which puts independent bookstores online. Booksense has an affilate program that people can use rather than Amazon.
The site has a piece by Karen Joy Fowler.
For more on independent bookstores, subscribe to (or read online) Holt Uncensored. For more on the book industry, subscribe to (or read online) Publishers Lunch. You can discuss books at Readerville.
Update: Pat Holt worked at Book Passage over the holidays and wrote about it in three parts. Day one, two and three.
posted by steve at 12/19/2000 03:00:00 AM
Monday, December 18, 2000
This week's This Modern World is on the Supreme Court decision (Michael Moore has posted Mark Levine's widely circulated comments on it). The always astute Lawrence Weschler has a good brief piece in Salon, Dan Quayle Redux.
posted by steve at 12/18/2000 12:40:00 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2000
Jonathan Lethem has a conversation with Dalton Conley and Phillip Lopate in Salon. There is also an interview with Lethem in Feed. And he'll have a cheap short book, This Shape We're In , come out in Feb. 2001. Then a much longer book, probably in 2002.
posted by steve at 12/14/2000 09:51:00 AM
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
Matt Haugley has put up a picture of my review of blogger in Wired. You can't read it, but it looks nice. I actually saw a copy of the January 2001 Wired the other day. You can touch the cover and it changes color.
One of the weblogs in the screenshot of blogger in the review is the always interesting signal vs. noise.
posted by steve at 12/12/2000 12:45:00 AM
Monday, December 11, 2000
An ugly but somewhat functional version of my weblog archive.
posted by steve at 12/11/2000 10:33:00 AM
I was going to write about my day - going to see experimental films and Marnie at SFMOMA and buying a couple of Green Lantern comic books (the first time I've bought superhero comics in perhaps 20 years). But I am tired. So just this link to Ralph Lombreglia's Digital Reader column for the Atlantic Monthly's website. Some other time I'll write more about Lombreglia.
posted by steve at 12/11/2000 12:37:00 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2000
My review of blogger is in the street cred section of the January 2001 issue of Wired. There is a mention of it on the blogger webpage. It should be online in mid-January, but Bruce Sterling says it is well worth picking up - it is a special issue on design. Sterling has also edited (and written much of) part of the special 2026 January issue of Time Digital.
posted by steve at 12/07/2000 05:41:00 PM
Friday, December 01, 2000
I'm participating in a day without weblogs, but I haven't had a chance yet to redesign this page. I did do a DWW page for sfblog.
posted by steve at 12/01/2000 11:44:00 AM